Welcome to Ksctl Docs website!

The ksctl project by ksctl is a Cloud Agnostic Kubernetes Management command-line tool that helps developers and administrators to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters running on multiple cloud environments

It provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing common tasks such as creating, deleting, and managing Kubernetes resources. ksctl is designed to be easy to use, even for developers who are new to Kubernetes.

Problems in the Ecosystem

Limited Customizability

Multiple CLI Tools thus causing fragmentation

Users becomming dependent on a lot of tools instead of using a single tool


Creates Cloud-Managed or Self- managed HA cluster ~5 minutes


No Dependencies. Install and Ready to go!


From Managed to Self-Managed

From CNI Plugins to Pre-installed apps

Contributions welcome!

We do a contributions workflow on GitHub. New users are always welcome!

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