Cloud Controller
The Component of Ksctl responsible for creating and managing clusters for different Cloud platforms.
This section will help you to learn about the underlying system of Ksctl. It will help you to obtain a deeper understanding of how Ksctl works.
Here is the entire Ksctl system level design
sequenceDiagram participant cm as Manager Cluster Managed participant cc as Provision Controller cm->>cc: transfers specs from user or machine cc->>cc: to create the cloud infra (network, subnet, firewall, cluster) cc->>cm: 'kubeconfig' and other cluster access to the state cc->>cm: status of creation
sequenceDiagram participant csm as Manager Cluster Self-Managed participant cc as Provision Controller participant bc as Bootstrap Controller csm->>cc: transfers specs from user or machine cc->>cc: to create the cloud infra (network, subnet, firewall, vms) cc->>csm: return state to be used by BootstrapController csm->>bc: transfers infra state like ssh key, pub IPs, etc bc->>bc: bootstrap the infra by either (k3s or kubeadm) bc->>csm: 'kubeconfig' and other cluster access to the state bc->>csm: status of creation
The Component of Ksctl responsible for creating and managing clusters for different Cloud platforms.
How does the core functionalities of ksctl work
The Component of Ksctl responsible for managing Cloud controller and Distribution controller. It has multiple types of managers
The Component of Ksctl responsible for selecting the type of Bootstrap solution (Kubeadm or K3s).
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