This section will help you to learn about the underlying system of Ksctl. It will help you to obtain a deeper understanding of how Ksctl works.
📐 Architecture
Here is the entire Ksctl system level design
Sequence diagrams for 2 major operations
Create Cloud-Managed Clusters
sequenceDiagram participant cm as Manager Cluster Managed participant cc as Provision Controller cm->>cc: transfers specs from user or machine cc->>cc: to create the cloud infra (network, subnet, firewall, cluster) cc->>cm: 'kubeconfig' and other cluster access to the state cc->>cm: status of creation
Create Self-Managed HA clusters
sequenceDiagram participant csm as Manager Cluster Self-Managed participant cc as Provision Controller participant bc as Bootstrap Controller csm->>cc: transfers specs from user or machine cc->>cc: to create the cloud infra (network, subnet, firewall, vms) cc->>csm: return state to be used by BootstrapController csm->>bc: transfers infra state like ssh key, pub IPs, etc bc->>bc: bootstrap the infra by either (k3s or kubeadm) bc->>csm: 'kubeconfig' and other cluster access to the state bc->>csm: status of creation