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Concepts around ksctl core

This section will help you to learn about the underlying system of Ksctl. It will help you to obtain a deeper understanding of how Ksctl works.

📐 Architecture

Here is the entire Ksctl system level design

Sequence diagrams for 2 major operations

Create Cloud-Managed Clusters

    participant cm as Manager Cluster Managed
    participant cc as Provision Controller
    cm->>cc: transfers specs from user or machine
    cc->>cc: to create the cloud infra (network, subnet, firewall, cluster)
    cc->>cm: 'kubeconfig' and other cluster access to the state
    cc->>cm: status of creation

Create Self-Managed HA clusters

    participant csm as Manager Cluster Self-Managed
    participant cc as Provision Controller
    participant bc as Bootstrap Controller
    csm->>cc: transfers specs from user or machine
    cc->>cc: to create the cloud infra (network, subnet, firewall, vms)
    cc->>csm: return state to be used by BootstrapController
    csm->>bc: transfers infra state like ssh key, pub IPs, etc
    bc->>bc: bootstrap the infra by either (k3s or kubeadm)
    bc->>csm: 'kubeconfig' and other cluster access to the state
    bc->>csm: status of creation

1 - Cloud Controller

The Component of Ksctl responsible for creating and managing clusters for different Cloud platforms.

It is responsible for controlling the sequence of tasks for every cloud provider to be executed

2 - Core functionalities

How does the core functionalities of ksctl work

Basic cluster operations


  • HA self-managed cluster (VM is provisioned and ssh into and configure them just like ansible)
  • Managed (cloud provider creates the clusters and we get the kubeconfig in return)


  • HA self managed cluster
  • Managed cluster


  • Only for ha cluster as the user has manual ability to increase the number of worknodes
  • Example: if workernode 1 then it will create 2 then 3…


  • Only for ha cluster as the user has manual ability to decrease the number of worknodes
  • Example: if workernodes are 1, 2 then it will delete from the last to first aka 2 then 1


  • It will just use the request from the user to get the kubeconfig from specific cluster and save to specific folder that is ~/.ksctl/kubeconfig


  • Both ha and manage cluster it will search folders in specific directory to get what all cluster have been created for specific provider

Example: Here for get request of azure it will scan the directory .ksctl/state/azure/ha and for managed as well to get all the folder names

3 - Core Manager

The Component of Ksctl responsible for managing Cloud controller and Distribution controller. It has multiple types of managers

It is responsible for managing client requests and calls the corresponding controller



Role: Perform ksctl getCluster, switchCluster


Role: Perform ksctl addApplicationAndCrds Currently to be used by machine to machine not by ksctl cli


Role: Perform ksctl createCluster, deleteCluster


Role: Perform ksctl createCluster, deleteCluster, addWorkerNodes, delWorkerNodes

4 - Distribution Controller

The Component of Ksctl responsible for selecting the type of Bootstrap solution (Kubeadm or K3s).

It is responsible for controlling the execution sequence for configuring Cloud Resources wrt to the Kubernetes distribution choosen